With The Photographer

The author of the essay “with the photographer “ leacock  visits a studio to get his photograph. He explained about his purpose to the photographer. Photographer tells him to sit and wait for sometime. The writer waits there for about an hour. Then the photographer opens the inner room door and asked him to come in. The author goes into the studio accordingly, and sits down on his instruction. There is insufficient light and  air there. The photographer rolls a machine into the middle of room and moves slowly behind it. Then he tells him that his (author’s)face is quits wrong. He points  out defects in author’s head eyes  and some other limbs. The author tells that he knows well of his face which is not beautiful. But it is his own face and not of somebody else. He has lived with the same face or past forty years and he knows its defects and shortcomings. Any way he takes his snaps in the last. When the writer asks to show his photographs, he immediately says that he cannot show it unless the negative is not developed. So he should come again on Saturday. The author comes to see the proof on Saturday. becomes surprised to notice that the picture does not look like his own figure. The author the author becomes annoyed and ask the reason behind it. The photographer gives his clarification relation to the author’s reluctance adding that he has retouched the picture in order to make it looking better.
The author loses his  temper. He says scornfully that he has come to get a true and natural copy of his face, to keep as a memoir after his death. He feels that he is badly mistaken or cheated. Out of frustration he tells the photographer to keep (retain)the photograph and its negative with him use all sorts of chemicals, make as many changes as he likes in its figures. He becomes restless and tears roll down from his eyes. He leaves the place desperately.
The photographer does not seem to be social and submissive. The peculiarities which he has shown with the narrator dealing with the narrator dealing with him are as hereunder-
(1)             Does not attentively deals with (2)asks him to wait and  thenafter takes an hour initially for obtaining his photographs. (3)takers him inside the studio and tells to sit before the camera. (4)points out numbers of defects in his facial appearance. (5) makes a number of changes in eyes, brows and even in author’s face and removes the ears of the author in the photo, turning the face into totally different from his original face,
Thus, by his funny acts, the whole story becomes humerous, which is       explained by the narrator in a satirical manner. He becomes fed-up by the behaviour of the photographer.


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